On human sexuality and God’s Law

On human sexuality and God's Law
Holy Church celebrates the Conception of Saint John the Baptist. Again and again this festal day prompts reflections that inevitably yield a gentle thought about how comprehensive our Holy Church is in its understanding of sexuality and human nature. By celebrating the Conception of Saint John the Baptist, we really celebrate the arrangement of this ...

Women in Church and society

Women in Church and society
“Who can find a virtuous woman, because she is far more worthy than a pearl” (Proverbs 31, 10). “And, whoever found that woman has found good and obtained the favour of the Lord”(Proverbs 18, 22). “A good woman is God’s gift. A home and property is inherited from fathers, and a prudent wife is a ...

What you do not do, others will

What you do not do, others will
Early last week a top news stories on CBC truly hit my nerve. In mid-January a group of 30 Islamic terrorists captured an Algerian oil refinery and held its workers hostages. Algerian Special Forces intervened and the outcome was tragic: more than 70 people died, including 29 terrorists. When the attack took place, the terrorists ...

Fear the Lord; do not kill the innocent and unprotected

Fear the Lord; do not kill the innocent and unprotected
My sad and dreary thoughts and contemplations began before the holiday of the birth of our Most Holy and Cherished Mother of God; Holy Mary. The words “giving birth” began swirling within the depth of my soul and have me partaking in the fates of those dear and known to me, and to the people ...

There is but a step between me and death

There is but a step between me and death
It is not easy to think about death and even worse to write about it, but there comes a time for both the one and the other. In view of the fact that even one of his parishioners is like the ostrich sticking his head in the sand, when death is in question, a priest ...

We and the Church

We and the Church
When we think about the Church – if we think about the Church at all – we must admit that we have alienated ourselves from its true, original meaning . There are  people for whom the Church is a place to liberate their unfulfilled ambitions. There are also those for whom the Church is a ...

The Will Of God: Lawful Marriage

The Will Of God: Lawful Marriage
There will be a word about homosexuals, or whatever they are called, and for many reasons. All of the media outlets, for years now and consistently, as if this world does not consist of any normal persons, but only this small group of individuals, and if all other important world issues have been solved, homosexual themes are ever so present, ...


I addressed the International conference of the young leaders that took place at the end of March 2010 in Toronto. This impressive assembly dealt with the question of the position of the Serbs in a global context. The topic of my presentation was: How to preserve the national identity in the process of globalization.  

Protection of our Most Holy Theotokos

Protection of our Most Holy Theotokos
On the day of the Protection of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, it is already cold around us. Dark rainy clouds are hanging above us and are coming down on our heads. Icy cold winds started blowing and are threatening to penetrate to our bones. We truly need warm, woolen clothes to protect us and ...

Who is beloved by God is also admonished

Who is beloved by God is also admonished
Standing by the bed of a sick person, very often I hear his weeping: “Why is this abomination happening to me; what have I done, and what sin against God have I committed to deserve this torture?” Feeling, with every single atom of my heart, the empathy with the ill, there is no other way ...